
之前将笔记零碎的记录在Google Docs里,现在把它整理一下。







.hdf文件:其文件扩展名为.hdf,但严格的说,它的文件格式是HDF-EOS。HDF-EOS是HDF的扩展,包含了geo-location,投影信息等。以.hdf文件提供MODIS的数据产品,每个文件就是经过Sinusoidal Tiling System分片后的一个tile。一个tile覆盖1200km*1200km。.hdf文件的陆面数据产品可以从https://lpdaac.usgs.gov获得。

.txt文件:MODIS数据产品的子集,覆盖Selected Sites(一般是通量站点)7km*7km的大小。.hdf文件是根据产品的发布时间,如MOD09A1每个tile每8天提供一个HDF文件,而.txt则是一个站点一个产品一个文件,因此.txt文件可以更方便的得到时间序列。.txt文件的陆面数据产品可以从http://daac.ornl.gov获得。

三、 关于QC或是QA

MODIS每种数据产品都提供了质量控制(QC: Quality Control)或质量保证(QA: Quality Assurance)字段。QC信息是像元级的,标识了数据质量的高低,用户根据实际需求,使用QC信息筛选出质量足够好的数据。下面分别对MOD15A2和MOD09A1产品的QC字段进行说明。

• MOD15A2产品有两个QC字段:FparLai_QC和FparExtra_QC,FparLai_QC(8位)的描述如下:

Bit No.
Parameter Name
Bit Comb.
0MODLAND_QC bits0Good quality (main algorithm with or without saturation)
1Other Quality (back-up algorithm or fill values)
2DeadDetector0Detectors apparently fine for up to 50% of channels 1,2
1Dead detectors caused >50% adjacent detector retrieval
3–4CloudState (inherited from Aggregate_QC bits {0,1} cloud state)000 Significant clouds NOT present (clear)
011 Significant clouds WERE present
102 Mixed cloud present on pixel
113 Cloud state not defined, assumed clear
5–7SCF_QC (five level confidence score)0000, Main (RT) method used, best result possible (no saturation)
0011, Main (RT) method used with saturation. Good,very usable
0102, Main (RT) method failed due to bad geometry, empirical algorithm used
0113, Main (RT) method failed due to problems other than geometry, empirical algorithm used
1004, Pixel not produced at all, value coudn't be retrieved (possible reasons: bad L1B data, unusable MODAGAGG data)

MOD15 ATBD中指出:The key indicator of retrieval quality of the LAI/FPAR product is SCF_QC bitfield.

MOD09A1产品也包含了两个QC字段:500m Reflectance Band Quality和500m State Flags,500m Reflectance Band Quality(32位)的描述如下:

Bit No.
Parameter Name
Bit Comb.
31adjacency correction performed1yes
30atmospheric correction performed1yes
26–29band 7 data quality four bit range0000highest quality
1000dead detector; data interpolated in L1B
1001solar zenith >= 86 degrees
1010solar zenith >= 85 and <>
1011missing input
1100internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
1101correction out of bounds pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
1110L1B data faulty
1111not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
22–25band 6 data quality four bit rangeSAME AS BAND ABOVE
18–21band 5 data quality four bit rangeSAME AS BAND ABOVE
14–17band 4 data quality four bit rangeSAME AS BAND ABOVE
10–13band 3 data quality four bit rangeSAME AS BAND ABOVE
6–9band 2 data quality four bit rangeSAME AS BAND ABOVE
2–5band 1 data quality four bit rangeSAME AS BAND ABOVE
0–1MODLAND QA bits00corrected product produced at ideal quality all bands
01corrected product produced at less than ideal quality some or all bands
10corrected product not produced due to cloud effects all bands
11corrected product not produced due to other reasons some or all bands may be fill value [Note that a value of (11) overrides a value of (01)].

在我的工作中,只使用了MODLAND QA bits来进行质量控制。


四、 地表覆盖类型(Land Cover Type)数据产品MCD12Q1

MCD12Q1中包含5种分类体系(classification schemes)的分类结果,5种分类体系如下:

  • Land Cover Type 1: IGBP global vegetation classification scheme
  • Land Cover Type 2: University of Maryland (UMD) scheme
  • Land Cover Type 3: MODIS-derived LAI/fPAR scheme
  • Land Cover Type 4: MODIS-derived Net Primary Production (NPP) scheme
  • Land Cover Type 5: Plant Functional Type (PFT) scheme

ClassIGBP (Type 1)UMD (Type 2)LAI/fPAR (Type 3)NPP (Type 4)
1Evergreen Needleleaf forestEvergreen Needleleaf forestGrasses/Cereal cropsEvergreen Needleleaf vegetation
2Evergreen Broadleaf forestEvergreen Broadleaf forestShrubsEvergreen Broadleaf vegetation
3Deciduous Needleleaf forestDeciduous Needleleaf forestBroadleaf cropsDeciduous Needleleaf vegetation
4Deciduous Broadleaf forestDeciduous Broadleaf forestSavannaDeciduous Broadleaf vegetation
5Mixed forestMixed forestEvergreen Broadleaf forestAnnual Broadleaf vegetation
6Closed shrublandsClosed shrublandsDeciduous Broadleaf forestAnnual grass vegetation
7Open shrublandsOpen shrublandsEvergreen Needleleaf forestNon-vegetated land
8Woody savannasWoody savannasDeciduous Needleleaf forestUrban
11Permanent wetlands
13Urban and built-upUrban and built-up
14Cropland/Natural vegetation mosaic
15Snow and ice
16Barren or sparsely vegetatedBarren or sparsely vegetated
255Fill ValueFill ValueFill ValueFill Value

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